Radio Garden

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?? When I was a kid my favorite toy at home was my dad’s short-wave radio. Alone in my room at night, I would keep on turning the dial to try to tune into radio stations from far away. The noise of static was constant, and it was quite hard to get the tune. The broadcasts sounded as coming from the other side of the world, and I would try to figure out the language. It was my first foray into exploring the world.

To my surprise, a few days ago my mom sent me a link to a website called Radio Garden. It is incredibly easy to use. Once you enter the site you will see planet Earth rotating and several green dots popping up wherever there is a radio station broadcasting to the app.

Firstly all you see is a blue screen saying “Press play to start” and once you do, it will tune to a station near your current location, but you just need to use your fingertips to move the sensor to India or Iran, to Japan or Paris. All broadcasts are live and, differently from my dad’s old short-wave radio, there is no static.

Some other features include old jingles from different stations and stories from people in cities across the globe.

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