Doughnut Time

128 King Street | Newtown and other 7 addresses across town (and in other Australian cities)

Monday to Friday from 10am to 9pm
Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 7pm

Yes, the doughnut fever has also reached Australia and Doughnut Place has been mushrooming all over the country. There are 8 shops in Sydney altogether selling colorful and eye-catching doughnuts. Best of all is that even though being rather big and sweet, the pastries are made with locally-sourced ingredients, without trans-fat, using very few preservatives and delivered to each store at every few hours to secure freshness. So you do not feel that guilty to indulge. However, once they sell out, its end of business day. By the way, there are special editions and seasonal flavors to make sure you can always come back for something new.

Image by TravelVince

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